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Export references from databases to EndNote

Most databases include a time-saving option to save or export references directly to EndNote. When you select this option, the database automatically direct the references to the appropriate fields in your EndNote library. NB. You will still need to check the reference fields (in edit mode) as EndNote will not automatically correct errors in referencing style.

Basic steps to import references:

  1. Select the reference(s) that you want included in your library (add to list / click folder / tick checkbox).
  2. Locate the Export, Download, or Save key in the database and choose the appropriate EndNote option (Note: RIS files are always EndNote compatible). 
  3. Select Continue / Open / Save to download the reference(s).  The exported file will be downloaded. Click on the download. A pop-up screen usually appears (Export to: EndNote or EndNote Online), select EndNote and click OK.
  4. The reference(s) will automatically appear in the Imported References Folder.
  5. Check that they have the right Reference Type and are formatted correctly by selecting the reference and right-clicking to edit (or double click on the reference which will open the reference summary/edit window) and checking it. Edit any fields with errors such as capitalization of the Journal Title, Article title, or the Type of Article field (should be empty).

Mac users: Watch these videos if you are having difficulty downloading RIS files from a database to your Mac EndNote library:

See Also:  Clarivate support - Direct Export Notes

Tips for exporting references from Databases

  • Mac users, use Firefox rather than Safari or Chrome as your browser.

  • You may need to adjust capitalisation. You can do so by selecting the reference, highlighting the field (for example the article title) in the Edit window, and then from the main EndNote Edit tab select the Change Case option (or for Mac users, selecting Edit | Change case) and choosing the appropriate case.

Exporting from Google Scholar

      1. Go to SCU library database listing and click on G to access Google Scholar.
      2. First, set your preferences to export to EndNote:

  • Click the three horizontal lines (top left) then go to Settings (the cog at the bottom of the  list).
  • At the bottom of the page in the Bibliography Manager section, select “Show links to import citations into” and select EndNote from the drop-down box. Click Save. 

      3. Perform your search.
      4. Ensure EndNote is running in the background. To export one reference, click the “Import into EndNote” link under the reference. Click on the downloaded file, and the file will import into EndNote (imported references folder).
      5. To export multiple references, create and sign in to your Google account, click the star icon to add selected references to "My Library. Go to My Library and use the "Export all" button to download the export file, click on the download to import the references into EndNote. The references will appear in the imported references folder.

Exporting from InfoRMIT databases

  1. Perform a search in an InfoRMIT database.
  2. Click the article title you wish to export.
  3. Click on the 'Export Citations' option.
  4. Select 'EndNote" or "ris" from the list of available styles.
  5. Click the download citation option.
  6. Choose download destination (EndNote).


Video Tutorials

The following short videos demonstrate how to export citations from EBSCO, Proquest and Google Scholar.

SCU Library videos - Exporting citations from databases

Clarivate tutorials

The following class recordings from Clarivate demonstrate exporting citations from Web of Science (WoS) on a PC or MacOS.