Online classes are offered throughout session by SCU Librarians.
Prior to attending a class, we ask that you review the Endnote Training Resources available online.
Most databases include a time-saving option to save or export references directly to EndNote. When you select this option, the database automatically direct the references to the appropriate fields in your EndNote library. NB. You will still need to check the reference fields (in edit mode) as EndNote will not automatically correct errors in referencing style.
Basic steps to import references:
Mac users: Watch these videos if you are having difficulty downloading RIS files from a database to your Mac EndNote library:
See Also: Clarivate support - Direct Export Notes
Mac users, use Firefox rather than Safari or Chrome as your browser.
You may need to adjust capitalisation. You can do so by selecting the reference, highlighting the field (for example the article title) in the Edit window, and then from the main EndNote Edit tab select the Change Case option (or for Mac users, selecting Edit | Change case) and choosing the appropriate case.
Exporting from Google Scholar
1. Go to SCU library database listing and click on G to access Google Scholar.
2. First, set your preferences to export to EndNote:
3. Perform your search.
4. Ensure EndNote is running in the background. To export one reference, click the “Import into EndNote” link under the reference. Click on the downloaded file, and the file will import into EndNote (imported references folder).
5. To export multiple references, create and sign in to your Google account, click the star icon to add selected references to "My Library. Go to My Library and use the "Export all" button to download the export file, click on the download to import the references into EndNote. The references will appear in the imported references folder.
Exporting from InfoRMIT databases
The following short videos demonstrate how to export citations from EBSCO, Proquest and Google Scholar.
The following class recordings from Clarivate demonstrate exporting citations from Web of Science (WoS) on a PC or MacOS.
Southern Cross University acknowledges and pays respect to the ancestors, Elders and descendants of the Lands upon which we meet and study.
We are mindful that within and without the buildings, these Lands always were and always will be Aboriginal Land.