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APA 7th Referencing Guide

Webpages or websites


When referring to a website in general (ie. the homepage or default webpage that loads when you visit a web address that only contains a domain name), include the name of the website in the text and provide the URL in parentheses. No in-text citation or reference list entry is necessary.

For example

This survey was created using Survey Monkey (


Only use webpage if no other reference type fits, and the work has no parent or over-reaching publication other than the website itself.

If you cite multiple webpages from a website, create a reference for each. 

Elements of the reference
Group author or Individual author(s) - last name, initial(s). (Date - in the format: Year OR Year, Month OR Year, Month, Day). Title of page - italicised. Website name. (Retrieved Month Day, Year, from - if retrieval date required) URL

[Note: omit the website name if the author and website name are the same.]

  • Do not use the copyright date on the webpage as the publication date for specific content/documents on that site.
  • Only use the copyright date if you can be sure that it applies to the content you are citing.
  • If multiple dates are provided, use the most recent date on which the content was changed (or updated/revised). A review date should not be used, as this implies that the information was not changed. 
  • If no separate date of publication is indicated for the work on a webpage, treat the work as having no date.

Webpage within website - individual author

Elements of the reference
Author(s) of page – last name, initial(s) - use & for multiple authors. (Year, Month Day - if available). Title of page - italicised. Website Name. URL
In-text citation
(Rackham, 2021) OR Rackham (2021) mentioned that ....
Reference list
  • Note: If there is no specific day or month, these can be left out eg. Rackham, M. (2021). OR Rackham, M. (2021, September).
Rackham, M. (2021, September 3). Barbara Hanrahan: An Australian feminist artist you need to know. The Conversation.
Endnote reference type
Web Page - add Month Day to Last Update Date field if needed.

Webpage within website - group author

Elements of the reference
Group author. (Year, Month Day - if available). Title of page - italicised. Website Name - if needed. URL

[Note: omit the website name if the author and website name are the same.]

In-text citation
(Mayo Clinic, 2020) OR Mayo Clinic (2020) stated that ....
Reference list
  • Note: If there is no specific day or month, these can be left out eg. Mayo Clinic. (2020) OR Mayo Clinic. (2020, November).
Mayo Clinic. (2020, November 17). Hamstring injury.
Endnote reference type
Web Page - add Month Day to Last Update Date field if needed.

Webpage within website - no date

Elements of the reference
Group author or Individual author(s) - last name, initial(s). (n.d.). Title of page - italicised. Website Name - if needed. URL

[Note: omit the website name if the author and website name are the same.]

In-text citation
Western New South Wales Regional Aboriginal Education Team, (n.d.) OR According to the Western New South Wales Regional Aboriginal Education Team (n.d.) ...
Reference list 
Western New South Wales Regional Aboriginal Education Team. (n.d.). 8 Aboriginal ways of learning: Aboriginal pedagogy. 8 Ways.
Endnote reference type
Web Page

Webpage with a retrieval date

  • If the information on the page/site is likely or designed to change over time (e.g. dictionary entry, Twitter profile, Facebook page), and there is no archived version available, provide a retrieval date.
Elements of the reference
Group author or Individual author(s) - last name, initial(s) - use & for multiple authors. (Year, Month Day - if available). Title of page - italicised. Other relevant elements depending on the reference type. Retrieved Month Date, Year, from URL
In-text citation
(U.S. Census Bureau, n.d.)
Reference list
U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.). U.S. and world population clock. U.S. Department of Commerce. Retrieved July 3, 2019, from
Endnote reference type
Web Page

Blog post

Elements of the reference
Author(s) - last name, initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of post. Blog Name - italicised. URL
In-text citation
(Conaboy, 2021) OR Conaboy (2021) stated that ....
Reference list
Conaboy, K. (2021, September 11). Miranda Kerr has always wanted a bathtub in her bedroom. Gawker.
Endnote reference type


Elements of the reference
Title of entry. (Year, Month Date or n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved Month Date, Year - if needed, URL
In-text citation
("Psychology", 2021) OR "Psychology" (2021)
Reference list
  • Use archived version (click on "View History" to check). Include listed date in (Year, Month Date) section.

  • If no archived version available, use n.d. in (Year) and include Retrieved information (as below)

Archived Version Available:

Psychology. (2021, September 6). In Wikipedia.

No Archived Version:

Psychology. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved March 20, 2021, from
Endnote reference type

Archived Version:

Electronic book section

No Archived Version:
