List works alphabetically (as they appear in the reference list)
Separate references with a semicolon ;
Order references by year of publication
Put n.d. (no date) references first
Put "in press" references last
Only use the author last name or groups name once then list the years
Place an a, b, c etc after the year
The letters are allocated in the reference list where references with the same first author last names are organised alphabetically by title.
Repeat each year with each letter used eg. 2018a, 2018b, 2018c
If "in press" is used, place dash between "press" and relevant letter eg. in press-c
Use this format each time the references are used in-text.
Both the original year and the reissued, reprinted, republished or translated year of the work needs to be included.
The years are separated by a forward slash /.
The original year is listed first.