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APA 7th Referencing Guide

Abbreviating groups as authors

  • Group authors can be an organisation, professional association, company, government department
  • Include the full name of the group the first time it is used. The abbreviation is included in square brackets.
  • If the abbreviation is well known, it can be included for subsequent uses.

In-text Example:

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund ([UNICEF], 2018)
(United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund [UNICEF], 2018)
  • The full group name should be used in the reference list.

Report - group author

  • When a government agency, department, or branch is the (group) author, use the most specific agency as the author, if more than one layer of government agency is displayed.

Elements of the reference
Group author(s) - use & for multiple authors. (Year). Title of report - italicised  (Report number - if available). Publisher - include if different to author. URL
In-text citation
(World Health Organization, 2014) OR The World Health Organization (2014) presents ...
Reference list
World Health Organization. (2014). Comprehensive implementation plan on maternal, infant and young child nutrition.
EndNote reference type

Report - individual author

  • Check the title or cover page for the author; if a person is named on the title page, use them as the author. If applicable, include the name of the group as part of the source element.
Elements of the reference
Author(s) - last name, initial(s) - use & for multiple authors. (Year). Title of report - italicised  (Report number - if available). Publisher - include if different to author. URL
In-text citation
(Curnock & Marshall, 2019) OR Curnock and Marshall (2019) show that ...
Reference list
Curnock, M., & Marshall, N. (2019). Changes in the state of Great Barrier Reef tourism from 2013 to 2017. CSIRO.
EndNote reference type

Report - print

  • The  author and publisher must be recorded as they appeared when the document was published.
Elements of the reference
Group author(s) or Individual author(s) - last name, initial(s) - use & for multiple authors. (Year). Title of report - italicised  (Report number - if available). Publisher - include if different to author.
In-text citations
(Department of Finance and Administration, 2006) OR The Department of Finance and Administration (2006) indicates ...
(Shannon et al., 2003) OR According to Shannon et al. (2003) ...
Reference list

Government department as author and publisher

Department of Finance and Administration. (2006). Delivering Australian Government services: Managing multiple channels: A guide for the strategic assessment and development of service delivery channels.
Individuals as authors

[Note this publication has 6 authors: treat as per a book with multiple authors.]

Shannon, C., Wakerman, J., Hill, P., Barnes, T., Griew, R., & Ritchie, A. (2003). Achievements in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health: Summary report. Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Tropical Health.
EndNote reference type

Technical report - print or online

Elements of the reference
Group author or Individual author(s) - last name, initial(s) - use & for multiple authors. (Year). Title of report - italicised  (Report number - if available). Publisher - include if different to author. URL - if available
In-text citations
(Murray-Darling Basin Authority, 2005) OR According to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (2005) ...
(Queensland Health, 2014) OR Queensland Health (2014) mentions ...
Reference list

Print example

Murray-Darling Basin Authority. (2005). Lower Darling reach report (MDBA No. 5).

Online example

Queensland Health. (2014). Lyssavirus in bats prompts reminder not to touch the animal (QH No. 235).
EndNote reference type

Industry or corporate report

Elements of the reference
Group author or Individual author(s) - last name, initial(s) - use & for multiple authors. (Year). Title of report - italicised (Report number - if available)Publisher - include if different to authorURL
In-text citation
(The Coca-Cola Company, 2017) OR The Coca-Cola Company (2017) has found that ....
Reference list
The Coca-Cola Company. (2017). 2016 sustainability report.
EndNote reference type

Legal Report

Elements of the reference
Group author or Individual author(s) - last name, initial(s) - use & for multiple authors. (Year). Title of report - italicised (File no.)PublisherURL
In-text citation
The inquest found that ... (Lock, 2011)
Reference list
Lock, J. (2011). Inquest into the death of Ross Philip Schumacher (File no. 2006/16). Queensland Courts.
EndNote reference type


Treat brochures, pamphlets, fact sheets etc. like report references. Indicate the type of publication in square brackets after the title, unless the publication type is included in the title. Do not add the Publisher if it is the same as the author.

Elements of the reference
Group author or Individual author(s) - last name, Initial(s). (Year). Title of brochure - italicised  [Type of publication, e.g. Brochure or Pamphlet]. Publisher - include if different to author. URL - if available
In-text citation
(My Aged Care Services, 2019) OR ... as indicated by My Aged Care Services (2019).
(Southern Cross University, 2008) OR Southern Cross University (2008) provides ...
Reference list
My Aged Care Services. (2019). Your pathway to accessing a home care package [Brochure]. Australian Government.
Southern Cross University. (2008). Copyright and you: A guide for staff [Brochure].
EndNote reference type