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APA 7th Referencing Guide


Note: When quoting directly from the lyrics, include a time stamp in the in-text citation.

Elements of the reference
Singer or composer - last name, initial(s). (Year). Song Title [Song]. On Album Title - italicised. Record Company. (Original work published Year - if needed). URL - if needed
In-text citation
(Little, 2000) OR Little (2000) sang about ....
In-text citation - direct quote
(Kelly, 2004, 00:02:40) OR Kelly (2004, 00:02:40) sang ....
Reference list
Little, J. (2000). Royal telephone [Song]. On Buried country. Festival Mushroom. 
EndNote reference type


Elements of the reference
Group name or singer - last name, initial(s). (Year). Title of album - italicised [Album]. Record Company. (Original work published Year - if needed). URL - if needed
In-text citation
(Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association (N.T.), 1998) OR Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association (N.T.) (1998) sang about ....
Reference list
Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association (N.T.). (1998). Strong culture: Aboriginal music in Aboriginal languages [Album]. CAAMA Music.
EndNote reference type
Audiovisual material


Elements of the reference
Author - last name, initial(s) (Role eg. Host). (Year - Year). Title - italicised, [Type Podcast]. Publisher. URL - if available
In-text citation
(Jones, 2020-present) OR Jones (2020-present)
Reference list
  • If accessed via app or no web address, leave out web address
Jones, A. (Host). (2020-present). Nature track [Audio podcast]. Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
EndNote reference type
Podcast - convert to plain text. Add (Host) after author name.

Podcast episode

Note: When quoting directly from the lyrics, include a time stamp in the in-text citation.

Elements of the reference
Author - last name, initial(s) (Role eg. Host). (Year, Month Day). Episode Title (No. Episode Number - if available) [Type podcast episode]. In Series Title - italicised. Publisher. URL - if available
In-text citation
(Jones, 2021) OR Jones (2021)
In-text citation - direct quote
(Mcfarlane, 2019, 00:16:10) OR Macfarlane (2019, 00:16:10) concluded ...
Reference list
  • If accessed via app or no web address, leave out web address
Jones, A. (Host). (2021, August 17).Heavy rain and desert thunder [Audio podcast episode] Nature Track. Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
EndNote reference type
Podcast - convert to plain text. Add (Host) after author name.

Radio broadcast

Official APA style example for radio broadcast

  • Use the name of the announcer as the author.

  • Include the full date of the radio broadcast.

Elements of the reference
Author - last name, initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title [Radio broadcast]. Site name. URL - if available
In-text citation
(Rosso, 2020) OR Rosso (2020) mentions that...
Reference list
Rosso, J. D. (2020, August 13). Satire, power and race on the Screen Show [Radio broadcast]. ABC Radio.
EndNote reference type
Audiovisual material

Radio interview recording in a digital archive

  • For interviews housed in digital or physical archives (whether audio or audiovisual), credit the interviewee as the author.
  • When quoting directly from the interview, include a time stamp in the in-text citation
Elements of the reference
Author - last name, initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title [Description]. Archive name. Site name. URL - if available
In-text citation
(de Beauvoir, 1960) OR As de Beauvoir (1960) states ...
In-text citation - direct quote
(Doogue, 1972, 00:12:30) OR As Doogue (1972, 00:12:30) states ...
Reference list
de Beauvoir, S. (1960, May 4). Simone de Beauvoir discusses the art of writing [Interview]. Studs Terkel Radio Archive; The Chicago History Museum.
EndNote reference type
Audiovisual material

Speech audio recording

Note: When quoting directly from the lyrics, include a time stamp in the in-text citation.

Elements of the reference
Author - last name, initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of speech [Description]. Site name. URL - if available
In-text citation
(King, 1963) OR King (1963) stated ...
In-text citation - direct quote
(Staunton, 1980, 01:20:00) OR Staunton (1980, 01:20:00) stated ...
Reference list
King, M. L., Jr. (1963, August 28). I have a dream [Speech audio recording]. American Rhetoric.
EndNote reference type
Audiovisual material