Legal sources are usually included in a list of references only if they are important to an understanding of the work.
Make it obvious in the text, e.g. Victoria's Equal Opportunity Act 1995 prohibits' or place the abbreviated information in brackets after the date, (use Cth for Commonwealth Acts),e.g. the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) ...
It’s important to cite legal sources in a consistent and accurate way across government.
The Style Manual gives common guidance for different types of legal material, including:
Legal cases are only included in a list of reference if they are important to an understanding of the work. In that case, it is preferable to list cases separately in alphabetical order under the subheading of "Cases".
Legislation is only included in a list of reference if it is important to an understanding of the work. In that case, it is preferable to list separately under the subheading of "Legislation".
A bill is a draft Act introduced into parliament. Write the titles of bills in roman type, not italics.