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Harvard Referencing Guide

About citing journal articles

Basic elements needed to reference a journal article:
  • Author
  • Year of publication
  • 'Title of the article'
  • Journal Title
  • Volume
  • Issue number
  • Page ranges of the article
  • DOI (if available)

About DOIs

  • A DOI is a series of numbers and punctuation that identifies a document. Unlike a URL, a DOI always stays the same. DOIs are also internationally standardised.
  • Works that have DOIs include most journal articles, some e-books and some PDFs.
  • If the document has a DOI, include it in the citation in the reference list. Put it at the end of the citation and include the shortened form ‘doi’ in lower case before it.
  • How to find a DOI - You can search for a DOI by going to and pasting in the article title. 
Kelleher T (2009) ‘Conversational voice’, Journal of Communication, 59(1):172–188, doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2008.01410.x.

One author, two authors, three or more authors

One author

Elements of the reference
Author A (Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Journal, volume(issue):page–page, doi:number.
In-text citation
Kelleher (2009) OR (Kelleher 2009:172)
Reference list
Kelleher T (2009) ‘Conversational voice’, Journal of Communication, 59(1):172–188, doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2008.01410.x.

Two authors

Elements of the reference
Author A and Author B (Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Journal, volume(issue):page–page, doi:number.
In-text citation
Kelleher and Edmunds (2009)
Reference list
Kelleher T and Edmunds M (2009) ‘Conversational voice’, Journal of Communication, 59(1):172–188, doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2008.01410.x.

Three or more authors

Elements of the reference
Author A, Author B and Author C (Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Journal, volume(issue):page–page, doi:number.
In-text citation
Kelleher et al. (2009)
Reference list
Kelleher T, Edmunds M and Hogel F (2009) ‘Conversational voice’, Journal of Communication, 59(1):172–188, doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2008.01410.x.

Electronic journal article without a doi, from an online database

  • Reference the journal as a print version.
Elements of the reference
Author A (Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Journal, volume(issue):page–page.
In-text citation
Jones (2022) ...
Reference list
Jones D (2022) 'Looking to the future', Journal of Information, 6(2):31-36.

Journal article with an article number

  • Sometimes a journal article will use an article number instead of volume/ issue or page numbers.

Elements of the reference
Author A (Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Journal, article number, doi.
In-text citation
Munro and Lowe (2014) identified..
Reference list
Munro B and Lowe M (2014) ‘Learning within peer groups’, Journal of Education, article no. 25798, doi:10.3276/edu.v19.25798.

Advance online publication

  • Advance online publication may or may not include a year and usually will not yet have volume, issue, or page(s).

  • If there is a year, include it in brackets before the title.

  • Include an accessed date after the journal name.

Elements of the reference
Author A (advance online publication) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Journal, accessed Day Month Year, doi.
In-text citation
Kjellberg and Jansson (advance online publication) found that ....
Reference list 
Kjellberg I and Jansson B (advance online publication) 'The capability approach in social work research: a scoping review of research addressing practical social work', International Social Work, accessed 4 February 2022, doi:10.1177/0020872819896849

Journal article in press/ not yet published

Elements of the reference
Author A (in press) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Journal.
In-text citation
  • For journal articles not yet published, use ‘in press’ instead of the year in the in-text citation.
Jackson (in press) reported similar results.
Reference list
Jackson L (in press) ‘Conversational voice’, Journal of Communication.

Journal article in foreign language

Journal articles in foreign languages

  • Provide a translation in parentheses immediately after the title of the article. The title of a foreign –language journal should be cited in the original language without translation - to enable interested readers to locate it.
Elements of the reference
Author A (Year) 'Title of article in original language' (English translation), Title of journal in original language, volume(issue):page-page, doi number.
In-text citation
(Hohler 2007) OR Hohler (2007:67)
Reference list
Hohler S (2014) ’Von biodiversität zu biodiversifizierung: eine neue okonomie der natur?’ (Biodiversity to Biodiversification: a new economy of nature?), Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 37(1):60–77, doi:10.1002/bewi.201401664.

Newspaper or Magazine article

  • For works like newspaper and magazine articles include the full date – not just the year – in the reference list. It makes it easier for users to find this detail. 
  • For online newspaper and magazine articles, hyperlink the title. Include the date you accessed the article at the end of the reference.
  • If the article is behind a paywall, link the article title to the homepage of the magazine or newspaper.

Article with author listed

Elements of the reference
Author A (Day Month Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Newspaper or Magazine, accessed Day Month Year.
In-text citation
Richardson (2018) ..
Reference list
Richardson A (24 May 2018) ‘Australia imports almost all of its oil, and there are pitfalls all over the globe’, The Conversation, accessed 29 January 2020.
Doman M, Palmer A and Scott N (31 January 2020) ‘Cracking the code to Steve Smith's batting success’, ABC, accessed 5 February 2020.


Article with no author listed

  • If a article doesn’t list an author, use the name of the newspaper or magazine.
Elements of the reference
Name of Newspaper or Magazine (Day Month Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Newspaper or Magazine, accessed Day Month Year.
In-text citation
ABC (2020) ..
Reference list
ABC (31 January 2020) ‘Cracking the code to Steve Smith's batting success’, ABC, accessed 5 February 2020.


Article print version

Elements of the reference
Author A (Day Month Year) ‘Title of article: subtitle of article’, Name of Newspaper or Magazine.
In-text citation
McCoy (2020) ..
Reference list
McCoy M (31 January 2020) 'Who's running the show?', The Sydney Morning Herald.