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EndNote X9

Travelling library

A "travelling library" refers to the EndNote citations that are embedded in a Word document. As each formatted citation in your Word document is saved with field codes that embed reference data in the document, you can share your word document without having to send the whole EndNote library, and you can also collaborate with other authors on a paper without each author having the same EndNote library.

To confirm if you are using a travelling library, select Edit & Manage Citations from the EndNote toolbar in Word and you will see the name of the library being used.

A travelling library may be created if someone emails you a document with formatted EndNote references. You can choose to export these references from Word into EndNote.

Exporting Word's Travelling library to an EndNote library

  1. Open the document.
  2. From the EndNote tab, select Export to EndNote, then select Export Traveling Library. From the Tools menu, go to the EndNote submenu, and then select Export Traveling Library (Mac).
  3. On the Export Traveling Library dialog, select either:
    An existing EndNote library: Select a library from the drop-down list of available libraries, or Browse to locate a library.
      - A new EndNote library: You will be prompted to name and save the new library.

Note: The Traveling Library does not contain Notes, Abstracts, Figures, or Captions. When you use the Export/Import Traveling Library commands, the exported references are renumbered and do not retain their original reference numbers.

There is an alternate way to copy references from your Word document to an EndNote library. Open both your Word document and the EndNote library. Then, in EndNote, go to the Tools menu, then the Cite While You Write submenu, and select Import Traveling Library.

Tip: Export travelling library to a new EndNote library, so you can review the records before adding them to an existing library.