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EndNote X9

EndNote and Word Field Codes

Cite While You Write places field codes around and inside your formatted citations in Word. These hidden codes allow EndNote to format, unformat, and reformat citations within Word.

  • Use the EndNote toolbar commands to modify or remove citations (don't manually edit any 'greyed' text).
  • Don't use EndNote CWYW documents with forms (or submit them via Turnitin). Remove field codes by using the Convert to Plain Text tool prior to submitting to Turnitin, or attaching it to requisite forms.
  • If you are the type of author that does a lot of cutting and pasting, make sure you Convert to Unformatted citations before moving chunks of text that contain citations. You can then use the Format Bibliography tool.
  • If using Track Changes, set it to Final Display mode (or No Markup in Word 2013). Mac users set view to Original not Markup. Also turn Instant Formatting to OFF (in the EndNote toolbar).

Removing Field Codes (Convert to Plain Text)

You may need to remove Cite While You Write field codes in order to submit your assignment or share your document with a publisher or colleague.

To produce a Word file without the EndNote codes, you can make a copy of your original document which is no longer linked to EndNote.

  1. Go to  your Word Document. From the EndNote Toolbar select Convert Citations and Bibliography, then Convert to Plain Text
  2. A message box appears 
  3. Click on OK, then save the new document, naming it differently to your original before saving.
Note: The original document will not be changed and still contain the field codes. You can re-format, add or edit references in the original document. You won't be able to reformat or unformat references in the new plain text document as in-text citations are no longer linked to EndNote references after field codes are removed.

Naming the bibliography and spacing your references

  1. Open the Bibliography box on your Toolbar:
  2. When the Format Bibliography box appears, click in the Layout Tab
  3. Type a name for your bibliography, and change the “Space after” selection to Single. Click on OK. Your bibliography will now appear.