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EndNote X9

Manually adding references to EndNote

  1. Click the New Reference icon at the top of the screen, or from the References menu, select New Reference (Ctrl+N). This opens an empty Reference window.
  2. Choose your reference type from the Reference Type drop-down box. Make sure you choose the right Reference Type for each reference in your EndNote library ( journal article, book section, book, webpage etc) as the fields available will change.
  3. Use the tab or mouse to move between fields. Not all fields have to be used, it depends on your reference type and what your style requires.
  4. Enter each author on a separate line. Press Enter between each author.
  5. You may wish to use the Keywords field to enter your own keywords for the reference.
  6. You can use the Notes and Research Notes for your own information. Each of the fields hold up to about 16 pages of plain text. For example this could contain your annotations on the text or reminders about quotes to use. Don’t forget to include page numbers if you are recording quotes.
  7. Once you have finished entering the fields, close the reference by clicking the inner X in the top right corner (be careful to close the reference window, not the entire EndNote program).

Entering author names

  • Enter each author on a separate line. Put the surname first, then a comma and a space, and then the first name, middle name.
  • Use the author's full name if known. Be consistent with how author names are entered.
  • Complex author names:
    • Smith, Alfred, Jr
    • Williamson, Stuart, III
    • de Gaulle, Charles
  • If the author is a multi-word corporation (Corporate author), put a comma at the end, eg:
                NSW Board of Studies,
  • If a corporate author name includes a comma in the name itself, use two commas in place of the first comma, eg:
               Department of Industry,, Innovation and Science

  • Leave the Author field blank if the reference has no identifiable author/s
  • MULTIPLE CITATIONS BY ONE AUTHOR:  If you have multiple citations by the same author, Eg. Smith, Philip A. and Smith, P.A., make sure they are entered the same way in your library. If you are inconsistent, EndNote may treat them as different authors, which in some styles may result in citations having initials incorrectly inserted into the in text citation.

Capitalisation of titles of books, articles, websites

   It is best to capitalise the titles in the same way your referencing style requires it:

   eg. Sustaining an Aboriginal mental health service partnership (APA 6th Style capitalises only proper nouns / place names)

   eg. Sustaining an Aboriginal Mental Health Service Partnership (styles which capitalise all major words)

Entering keywords

  Assign enough keywords to help you retrieve items by search if required. Keywords may be entered on separate lines, or with a semicolon between:
   e.g. Aboriginal; Mental health; Health services; Case studies; Health policy.

   Keywords can be place names, subject terms etc.

File attachement

You can insert multiple files into the File Attachments field. If you have a pdf (or other type eg .doc, .htm) document on your computer you can just drag and drop it into this field.

Manually add a website to EndNote

See section IV (p. 15) of the EndNote X9 Guided Tour for Windows OR section IV (p. 17) of the EndNote X9 Guided Tour for Mac