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EndNote X9

Adding references from SCU Library Catalogue

1. Search the catalogue
2. To export one item at a time, click the Title of the Book or Article to bring up the EndNote export option.
3. Or, to export more than one item at a time, click the pushpin icon on the right for each reference,
     then go to top right hand of screen, click on the pin, select all and then on the top left click  to bring up the EndNote export option:
4.  Click to Send to , then at the Encoding drop down menu select UTF-8 
5.  The pop-up screen delivery screen should now appear. Open (or Save then Open) the RIS file.

Checking references exported into EndNote
1. References exported into EndNote are held in a folder called Imported References. This gives you an opportunity to view it in isolation from the rest of your Library. This is a good time to double-click the reference which will open the Reference window, and you can check and edit the fields.
2. For a book reference there are several issues, eg. the inclusion of author details in the Title field (or in the Series Editors field), and the repetition of place of publication in the Publisher field. Check and make sure all of the citation details are entered in the correct boxes, and that the Edition field contains no extra text, like “ed.”.  It may also set the Reference type as Generic. Click the dropdown and choose Book. 
3. Once you have finished editing the reference, close it by clicking the X in the top right. Then to view your entire library, click “All References” at the top left.