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EndNote X9

Top tips for syncing and sharing your EndNote library

  • Sync works with only one library and one EndNote Online account. 
  • Sync includes groups and group associations but does not include group sets, smart groups, and groups within combination groups. The individual groups within these will be displayed alphabetically.
  • Sync will put groups where a group-set cannot be identified in an Unfiled Groups set. Drag and drop the group to the appropriate group in the desktop library.
  • You can select any EndNote library that you created with EndNote, version 8.0 or above to synchronize with your EndNote Web library.
  • You cannot synchronize an EndNote library with your EndNote Online library when you are in Online Only mode.
  • You can always cancel a Sync process that is currently in progress. However, EndNote processes all information that has gone through the Sync process up to the cancellation point. If there are conflicts between references in EndNote and EndNote Web, then a Sync Conflicts folder appears in the Groups panel listing all record conflicts.
  • You can change an EndNote library in Sync Preferences.
  • Once your library is Synced, it's possible to share it with others - see instructions below for Sharing your library.
  • Do NOT share your library with non-SCU users if you attach PDFs