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Law AGLC4 Referencing Guide

Films (AGLC4 rule 7.14.2)

Footnote - general format
Film Title (Version details, Studio/Production Company/Producer, Year) Pinpoint.

Legally Blonde (Metro Goldwyn Mayer, 2001) 1:12:00.

Additional tips
  • A brief version of the studio or production company’s name should be included. Exclude ‘the’ if it appears at the start of the name, as well as information relating to corporate status e.g. Pty and geographic location. Where there are multiple studios or companies, only the first listed should be included.
  • Version details should be included when the version being cited is not the standard (eg Director’s Cut, Extended Version). If using a standard version, no version details need to be included.
  • Where a pinpoint is given, it should follow the format - Hours:Minutes:Seconds.

Television (AGLC4 rule 7.14.3)

Footnote - general format
‘Episode Title’, Series Title in Italics (Studio/Production Company/Producer, Year) Pinpoint.

‘Episode Three’, When They See Us (Netflix, 2019) 0:15:30-0:20:02.

Additional tips
  • A brief version of the studio or production company’s name should be included. Exclude ‘the’ if it appears at the start of the name, as well as information relating to corporate status eg pty and geographic location. Where there are multiple studios or companies, only the first listed should be included.
  • If the episode has no title and is numbered consecutively, include Episode Number in place of the title. If numbered by season, include Season Number before the Episode Number eg ‘Season 9, Episode 7’.
  • If you have accessed an episode online or there is an online transcript of the episode include the URL following rules 4.4–4.5 if it would aid retrieval.
  • Where a pinpoint is given, it should follow the format Hours:Minutes:Seconds
  • See the section on social media for information on how to reference a YouTube video.

Radio and podcasts (AGLC4 rule 7.14.4)

Footnote - general format
‘Episode Title’, Series Title (Studio/Production Company/Producer, Full Date of Broadcast) Pinpoint.

‘'Family Violence Killing Found to be a Workplace Death’, The Law Report (ABC National Radio, 21 July 2020) <>.

Additional tips
  • A brief version of the studio or production company’s name should be included. Exclude ‘the’ if it appears at the start of the name, as well as information relating to corporate status eg pty and geographic location. Where there are multiple studios or companies, only the first listed should be included.
  • For radio segments, the studio will usually be the radio station where the segment aired.
  • For podcasts, use the title that appears on the podcast listening platform.
  • Where a pinpoint is given, it should follow the format Hours:Minutes:Seconds.
  • A URL to the episode or transcript should be included at the end per rules 4.4–4.5 if it would aid discovery.