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Law AGLC4 Referencing Guide

General rules

  • If the book is edited (i.e. each chapter is written by a different author), refer to Chapter in an edited book
  • Ebooks are cited in the same way as print books
  • Names of authors should appear in accordance with rule 4.1 (see General rules) (AGLC4 rule 6.1)
  • Titles of books should be italicised and appear in accordance with rule 4.2 (see General rules) (AGLC4 rule 6.2)
  • The publisher's name should appear as it does on the title page (AGLC4 Rule 6.3.1)
  • Where there are multiple editions of a book, include the edition number after the publisher's name (AGLC4 rule 6.3.2)
  • If a book contains multiple volumes include the volume number after the publication details, preceded by 'vol' (AGLC4 rule 6.5)

Books (AGLC4 rule 6)

Author(s), Title (Publisher, Edition, Year) Pinpoint.

Amanda Stickley, Australian Torts Law (LexisNexis Butterworths, 4th ed, 2016) 65-67.
Linda Fisher and Mieke Brandon, Mediating with Families (Lawbook, 3rd ed, 2012) 115.
Paul Rishworth et al, The New Zealand Bill of Rights (Oxford University Press, 2003) 598.
Joel Feinberg, The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law (Oxford University Press, 1984-88) vol 4, 45.

Chapter in an edited book (AGLC4 rule 6.6.1)

Footnote - general format
Author(s), 'Chapter Title' in Editor(s) (ed/s), Book Title (Publisher, edition, Year) Starting Page, Pinpoint.

William Gough, 'Securities over Debts' in Gregory Burton (ed), Directions in Finance Law (Butterworths, 1990) 220, 223.

Additional tips:
  • Chapter titles should appear unitalicised in single quotation marks (AGLC4 rule 6.6.1)
  • Provide the starting page number for the chapter (AGLC4 rule 6.6.1)
  • If citing multiple chapters from an edited book include the full citation details in the first reference to each chapter (AGLC4 rule 6.6.1)
  • Use the names of the authors of the particular chapter for subsequent references (AGLC4 rule 6.6.1)

Books with an author and editor (AGLC4 rule 6.6.2)

Sometimes books may have both author(s) and editor(s), both need to be included in the citation. The abbreviation 'ed' should be used regardless of how many editors there are, in this context 'ed' stands for 'edited by'.

Footnote - general format
Author(s), Title, ed Editor(s) (Publisher, Edition, Year) Pinpoint.

JS Mill, Utilitarianism, ed Roger Crisp (Oxford University Press, 1998) 14.