Authors (AGLC4 rule 5.1)
Title (AGLC4 rules 5.2 & 5.5)
Year, volume number, issue number (AGLC4 rules 5.3 & 5.4)
Pinpoint (AGLC4 rule 5.7)
Journal articles in parts (AGLC4 rule 5.8)
Madeline Baker, 'Blue Sky Mine: Environmental Risk Disclosure in Australia' (2018) 35(5) Environmental and Planning Law Journal 519, 519.
Kate Galloway and Jemima McGrath, 'Reproductive Justice: A Framework for Abortion Law Reform' (2018) 43(4) Alternative Law Journal 295, 298.
Jasper Hedges et al, 'The Potential Economic Gains from Increasing Public Law Enforcement Against Illegal Phoenix Activity' (2018) 44(1) Monash University Law Review 267, 307.
As much as possible, cite online articles the same as printed ones.
When a volume number, issue number or starting page are not available use other identifiers like article numbers.
If page numbers are not available, pinpoints should refer to a position within the page range of the PDF or digital document.
William van Caenegem, 'Copyright Liability for the Playing of "Music on Hold": Telstra Corporation Ltd v Australasian Performing Right Association Ltd' (1996) 2 High Court Review 5:1-7, 4.
For articles that are forthcoming or available in advance the starting page number is replaced with '(forthcoming)' or '(advance)' depending on what appears on the article.
Shiri Krebs, Ingrid Nielsen and Russell Smyth, ‘What Determines the Institutional Legitimacy of the High Court of Australia?’ (2019) 43(2) Melbourne University Law Review (advance).
Genevieve Helleringer and Anne-Lise Sibony, 'European Consumer Protection through the Behavioural Lens' (2017) 23 Colombia Journal of European Law (forthcoming).