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Researcher Essentials

Scopus Author ID

  • Assigned automatically
  • Provides citation metrics
  • Analyse and visualise your publications record in Scopus
Connect with:
  • Southern Cross Researcher Profile
  • ORCiD
Available for:
  • Researchers with indexed outputs in Scopus


Access Scopus author search


Step 1
  • Find your author profile in Scopus by selecting the Authors tab and entering your name
    • Note: you will need to sign in or register for a personal account with Scopus. Add an alternative email to your Elsevier account for backup access
  • Check for multiple profiles listing your publications and request to merge if found
    • Note: Your affiliation in Scopus is based on your most recent paper and other options are viewable in author details under "current organization". 
Step 2
  • Verify your publications, add or remove as required
    • Note: You cannot add publications that have not been indexed in Scopus
Step 3
Step 4