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Sustainable development goal number 6

Ensure access to water and sanitation for all

Example Keywords:
"water and sanitation", "groundwater protection", "rehabilitation of water ecosystem", "lake protection", "clean water", "drinkable water", "potable water", desalination, "desalination plants", "desalination facility", "desalinated water", "environmental rehabilitation", "water supply", "irrigation method", "basic sanitation", "sanitation service", "school sanitation", "adequate sanitation", "handwashing facilities", "handhygiene facilities", "wastewater treatment", "sewage management", "wastewater technologies", "recycling of sewage waters", "reuse of waste waters", "grey water recycling" "sustainable sanitation", "runoff harvesting", "runoff irrigation", "water meter", "water shortage", sludge
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Sustainable development goal number 7

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy

Example Keywords:
solar, "concentrated solar thermal", "solar energy concentrator", "solar plant", "solar thermal", "wind-solar energy system*", "solar energy project", "smart energy", "waste treatment", heliostat*, "hydrothermal carbonization", "hydrothermal liquefaction", "renewable natural gas", biomass, "electrochemical conversion", bioenergy, "cellular bioenergy", "heat pump", "heat storage", "sustainable energy", "clean energy", "sustainable fuel", "sustainable natural gas", "biochar gasification", "hydro project", "hydroenergy power plant", "hydro electric dam", "pumped hydroenergy", "hydro stations", "hydro electric power", "energy crop"
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Sustainable development goal number 8

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

Example Keywords:
"climate change", "carbon emissions", "low-carbon economy", "carbon dioxide", "sustainable agriculture", "economic growth", "water management", "environmental impact", "carbon tax", tourism, "sustainable tourism", "fair trade", ecotourists, ecotourism, "energy policy", "regional development policies", "financial services", "economic development", "credit access", "financial iliteracy", "agricultural finance", "public policy", "access to finance", microenterprise, "international trade", "foreign aid", "ethical consumption", "sustainable consumption"
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Sustainable development goal number 9

Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Example Keywords:
"health industry", "healthcare industry", "healthcare facility", "healthcare system", "healthcare organization", "sex worker", microfinance, "financial services", "sound emissions", "noise emissions", "sustainable development", "infrastructure policies", "public transport", "road management", "sustainable urban infrastructure", toursim, tourist, "hotel industry", "hospitality industry", manufacturing, "rapid manufacturing", "innovation policy", "technological progress", "industrial innovation", "affordable mobile phones", "mobile phone infrastructure", "affordable smartphone", "national broadband plan", "broadband access", "high-speed broadband", "telecommunications Act", telecommunications
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Sustainable development goal number 10

Reduce inequality within and among countries

Example Keywords:
"health inequalities", "disparity in health", "healthcare access",  "equal employment", "ethnic justice", "economic inequalities", "emigrant rights", "gender wage discrimination", "asylum process", "temporary immigration", "skilled immigrants", "workplace discrimination", "disability equality", "disability employment" , "student with disability", "inclusive teaching", "smuggling of immigrants", "people smuggling", "global climate institution", "global climate governance", "world health organization", "food bank", "food assistance", "humanitarian assistance", "hunger relief"
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