Use Boolean operators AND, OR
Use truncation (the * symbol), to search the different forms of a word simultaneously, e.g. sustain* will find results containing sustain, sustains, sustainable, sustainability, sustaining and sustained.
Use phrases search by placing double quotation marks " - " around two or more words, e.g. “climate change”. This technique will ensure your results only contain the exact phrase.
This tool is designed to help you create a search string using Boolean search operators. Add your key concepts and synonyms then click the 'create a search string' button. The resulting search string can be copied and pasted into a database search box or the Library search box.
Copy and paste the above search string into a search box
The Search Strategy Builder was developed by the University of Arizona Libraries and is used under a Creative Commons License.
When you are searching, always remember to set Google Scholar preferences - this means that you will be able to directly access any articles/journals that the SCU Library has subscribed to.