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GenAI tools for research

This page provides a list of GenAI tools and how they can aid research. GenAI tools can have multiple uses in research. This list arranges the tools with the best or primary use in mind.

Use this list to make informed decisions about if, when, and how GenAI tools can be used during academic research, and to give you ideas that you might not have considered.

GenAI tools should only be used as an assistant and not as a substitute for expert disciplinary knowledge. Human critical analysis is required to ensure that gen AI outputs are accurate, interpretable, and relevant to your specific research need.

Copyright and ethical considerations also need to be considered when using GenAI tools. Confidential or copyright-protected material or data should not be loaded to a GenAI tool. The way that you can use GenAI generated responses might also be restricted. Check the GenAI and copyright page for further information. 

GenAI is an emerging and rapidly evolving technology, so we don't consider this page to be complete, but rather an ongoing work in progress. We recommend that you stay up to the date with the latest guidelines for the use of Gen AI tools, including updates with new tools and limitations that we add to this page.

Discipline-specific GenAI tools have not been included in the table. For more AI tools see 

For 'Systematic reviews and GenAI' consult this page. For a broader summary take a look at the Top 10 tips for using GenAI in research created by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA, 2024). 

Plan research

Workflow Tools Use Limitations Alternatives
Brainstorm ideas, idea generation 

ChatGPT 4.0 

Brainstorm topics, generate lists of keywords, narrow topics, provide summaries of works 

Collects information from across the web, not restricted to academic, peer-reviewed outputs 

Be aware of copyright


Summarise and analyse large  
amounts of text 


Reads research articles, reports and book chapters in seconds and breaks them into bite-sized sections, extracts key figures, tables, images and references  Inaccuracies in complex or niche research areas


Identify research gaps  Inciteful Finds connections, if they exist, between papers    ChatGPT 4.0 
Highlight key findings from existing research  Research Rabbit  Displays literature search results as collections and shows author networks    Consensus 
Search for relevant research data  Dimensions Link research data from idea to impact    Semantic Scholar 


Conduct research

Workflow Tools Use Limitations Alternatives

Identify relevant research methods

ChatPDF  Analyse and extract relevant sections from PDFs 

Handles specific questions, not aggregate questions 

Be aware of copyright 

Visualisation of datasets  ATLAS.ti  Analyse, organise and visualise qualitative research data    ThoughtSpot
Generate code  Github Copilot  Code faster and drive impact  Current code generating AI often outperformed by ChatGPT 4.0  ChatGPT 4.0 
Virtual research collaboration spaces  Create, collaborate, and organize all your knowledge in one place     


Publish research 

Workflow Tools Use Limitations Alternatives
Writing  Gemini  Write rough drafts using prompts, refine draft paragraphs  Current text generating AI often outperformed by ChatGPT 4.0  Trinka 
Publishing  B!son  Find potential journals for publication  Only open access journals are identified  ChatGPT 4.0 
Conferences  ChatGPT 4.0  Find potential conferences  Collects information from across the web, not restricted to academic, peer-reviewed outputs  Copilot