Start your research in the following key databases.
Warning: The records in these databases may contain names and/or images of deceased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
For help with the NEW EBSCOhost platform, see the Quick start guide.
The previous EBSCOhost platform will be decommissioned in May, 2025.
Try the following databases if you are searching for more specific Indigenous literature sources.
This online tutorial will take approximately 20-25 minutes to complete, and is designed to help you with finding resources for your assessments. At the end of the module you will know how to:
Click the arrows at the bottom right to view the tutorial in full-screen mode.
You may be required to find peer-reviewed journal articles. Here are some tips for finding out if an article is published in a peer-reviewed journal:
There are 4 ways to check for peer-reviewed status:
Also remember to check that your article is scholarly and not just an opinion or commentary piece that happens to be in a peer-reviewed publication. Some good indicators:
Research Ready - Scholarly vs non-scholarly sources
This module that explains the difference between Scholarly and non-Scholarly resources.
Research Ready - Evaluating resources
A short module showing how to evaluate resources using the CRAAP test