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Social Work and Community Welfare

Current legislation

Legislation on a topic

To find legislation on a topic, try keyword searches on the legislation register websites above or on AustLII.

For additional legislation databases, check the Legislation page in the SCU Legal Research Skills guide.

  1. Click the link for Advanced Search (under the drop down arrow next to the search box)
  2. Select a search method by clicking on the relevant tab, E.g. Boolean Query
  3. In the Enter your search box, type keyword/s. E.g. "sex discrimination"
  4. Under Select the database(s) to search..., tick Show all (to show all databases in the list)
  5. All databases are selected by default, so first deselect all databases by clicking the checkbox at the top of the list
  6. Scroll through and select the relevant option from the list, E.g. Commonwealth: Consolidated Acts
  7. Click Advanced Search

Committee & Royal Commission reports

State Governments may also call Royal Commissions, and these will have their own website. Try searching Google for the title of the Royal Commission. You could also use the 'site' limit to narrow your results. E.g.: "Royal Commission"

Parliamentary Committees are often formed to investigate a specific issue and provide the community with a way to have a say on topical or policy issues. Browse or search the Parliamentary websites below for Committee documents, including terms of reference and final reports. 

Government policy

To find government policy documents, try browsing relevant government department websites for a 'policy library' or 'resource centre'.

You can also try an advanced search in Google, using the 'site' limit to narrow your results to government websites. Watch the short video below for tips on using Google's advanced search.