Provides Australian case law (including the case citator KeyCite), legislation, journals and commentary (including the encyclopaedia 'Laws of Australia').
To be used exclusively for academic research only.
Provides Australian case law (including the CaseBase case citator), legislation, journals, commentary (including a comprehensive legal dictionary & the Halsbury's legal encyclopaedia), and practical guidance modules. Some international content (NZ, UK, US, Canada & Hong Kong) is also included.
View the Lexis+ (Australia) Help pages to get started.
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When starting your research it's a good idea to get an overview of your topic or area of law by doing a keyword search.
Use Boolean and other advanced search operators to improve keyword search results. Below are the most common operators.
Tip: If you get the search operators wrong, the database probably won't alert you to the error; instead your search will find no results. If you are not sure, check the help section of individual databases to find the specific operators used.
Operator |
Purpose |
Example |
Database |
AND | Searches for both terms on either side of the operator | loss AND nuisance | Lexis+, Westlaw, CCH, AustLII, Jade, InfoRMIT, HeinOnline, LawOne |
OR | Searches for either term on either side of the operator | damages OR compensation | Lexis+, Westlaw, CCH, AustLII, Jade, InfoRMIT, HeinOnline, LawOne |
NOT % |
Excludes the term on the right-hand side of the operator |
assault NOT battery
Lexis+, CCH, AustLII, Jade, InfoRMIT, HeinOnline, LawOne Westlaw |
* ! |
Truncation - Searches for alternative term endings |
legislat* legislat! |
CCH, AustLII, Jade, InfoRMIT, HeinOnline, LawOne Lexis+, Westlaw |
? * |
Wildcard - replaces 1 character, useful for spelling variations |
wom?n wom*n |
Lexis+, CCH, AustLII, Jade, InfoRMIT, HeinOnline, LawOne Westlaw |
" " | Searches for the term as an exact phrase | "economic loss" | Lexis+, Westlaw, CCH, AustLII, Jade, InfoRMIT, HeinOnline, LawOne |
/n w/n |
Proximity - Searches for the first term within a nominated number of words from the second term Use 5 for same phrase; 15-30 for same sentence; 50 for same paragraph |
construction /5 contract construction w/5 contract |
Lexis+, Westlaw, LawOne CCH, AustLII, Jade |
" "~n |
Proximity - Searches for the terms inside the double quote marks within a nominated number of words Use 5 for same phrase; 15-30 for same sentence; 50 for same paragraph |
"construction contract"~5 | InfoRMIT, HeinOnline |