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English-Chinese Bilingual Business Resources

Provides information and links to English and Chinese business sources.

About this guide

About this guide

This guide provides access to a range of English-Chinese bilingual resources in  accounting, business, finance, management and related subject areas. You can navigate through the guide by clicking the tabs to find dictionaries, books and ebooks, use translation sites, listen and download podcasts of Business English lessons and locate articles in bibliographic databases with Chinese search interfaces.  



The Business of English

Dictionaries and textooks 双语词典及教科书

Bilingual textbooks 双语教科书

English-Chinese dictionaries 英汉词典

Bibliographic Databases 双语文献数据库

Databases with Chinese interface 可切换至中文界面的文献数据库

Ebsco databases: Ebsco databases cover many subject areas: Academic Search Premier (multidisciplinary), Business Source Complete, EconLit (economics), ERIC (education), Hospitality and Tourism Complete, Medline, CINAHL (Nursing), SPORTDiscus, PsycARTICLES (psychology), Arts Abstracts, Music Index and more. You can access each database individually from the database alphabetical index  or by selecting the database from Ebsco Databases menu. You can change the search interface of Ebsco database from English to Chinese.

Factiva: provides extensive coverage of international newspapers, business and trade magazines as well as company information and financial data. You can choose a search interface in simplified or traditional Chinese, perform searches in English or Chinese as well as translating text from English to Chinese or vice versa.

Proquest: a premier database to search for articles relevant to business, management, marketing, information technology and others. It also provides Chinese search interface and translation tools which translate articles in the database from English into Chinese or other languages.

Scopus: The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities. The search interface can be  switched into Chinese.


Web of Science: includes a core collection of  scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities as well as proceedings of international conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions. It also includes Current Contents Connect, a index containing tables of contents and bibliographic information from the world’s leading scholarly journals,  books and evaluated Web sites and documents. You can switch into Chinese search interface in Web of Science.

Bibliographic Database 文献数据库

Databases are large collections of journal articles and other information sources such as newspaper articles and conference papers. While all the Library's databases are default in English, several major databases allow you to reset the search interfaces into other languages. Some databases even provide instant translation tools.

Databases with translation functions 有翻译功能的数据库

Factivause this database to search for articles in international, Australian and Chinese newspapers, business and trade magazines. You can also locate company information, financial data and industry reports. You can change the search interface into simplified or traditional Chinese mode, and perform searches using English or Chinese terms. Factiva provides  translation tool for automated translation of text from English to other languages including Chinese.

Proquest: access scholarly journals, trade magazines, newspapers as well as theses in subject areas relevant to all aspects of business and management. You can change the search interface into Chinese, also translate articles from English into Chinese and other languages.

Glossaries and Translation tools 英汉专业词汇及翻译工具

General Business English-Chinese terms

English-Chinese Accounting and Finance Glossaries 中英金融/会计词汇

English-Chiense legal terms 英汉法律词汇

Create your own vocabulary list

Translation tools 翻译网站

Learn Business English 学习商业英语

金融英语 Finance English

商业英语教程 Business English

旅游业英语 Tourism English

Business English Podcasts

Online English Tests

Referencing 参考文献注释格式

Referencing 参考文献注释

Referencing means giving or citing the source of your information.

Referencing styles differ according to the subjects or disciplinary areas you study.  You should always follow the instructions from your lecturers and use the specific referencing style recommended.

You can find the referencing styles used by the schools at the University at the Library's Referencing page.

参考文献注释指从事学术写作时用来认可他人著作中的想法,信息,数据,示例,图片和文字的方法。不予注明而引用他人著作言辞观点是学术不端的行为。 南十字星大学对参考文献注释要求很严格。

各专业和学院采用不同的参考文献注释格式, 应该遵从师嘱,使用指定的参考文献注释格式。

图书馆的Referencing 网页有关于各学院使用的参考文献格式信息。

How to avoid plagiarism 避免有意识或无意识抄袭

 作业的目的之一是衡量你对该门课程内容熟悉了解的程度,引用参考文献是大学生在学习过程中遵守学术诚信避免抄袭他人著作的重要学术技能。 以下几点可能对你有所帮助:

  • 诚实治学,用自己的话写出的作业才能反映出你的学习水准。
  • 宁肯用自己水平不高的英文来表达自己的观点,也不要去照搬别人的文字。
  • 正确引用参考文献能够体现你的知识深度, 概括他人的观点,无需獒述。
  • 查文献时注意记录参考文献的详细信息, 这可以在赶作业时节省时间并减轻压力。
  • 不要对引用参考文献有畏惧感,集中注意力按照指定的参考文献格式编辑及对照检查自己的引文(以避免失去很容易得到的分。
  • 不要在引文和参考文献上做假,这也许就表明有剽窃行为。
  •  耍小聪明糊弄Turnitin 会弄巧成拙。。

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