The IEEE Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL) provides online access to 33 magazines and more than 900,000 in-depth, peer-reviewed articles and papers related to cybersecurity, big data, cloud computing, agile, artificial intelligence, smart systems, mobile, wearables, and other leading-edge technology areas.
JoVE Core Cell Biology illustrates complex cellular processes in easy-to-understand yet comprehensive animated video lessons. This collection focuses on the essential components and functions of cells, including organelles and membranes, cellular transport, and cell energetics. It is complemented by scientist-in-action videos that demonstrate the application of cell biology in real-world research experiments.
JoVE Core Molecular Biology showcases the molecular processes of the cell through clear and concise animated video lessons. Additionally, in scientist-in-action videos, these concepts' application is demonstrated through real experiments in modern laboratories.
For help with the NEW EBSCOhost platform, see the Quick start guide.
The previous EBSCOhost platform will be decommissioned in May, 2025.
Veterinary Source is a collection of full-text scholarly journals and magazines devoted to all aspects of animal healthcare. International in scope, it is an essential resource for veterinarians, veterinary assistants, and students of veterinary science.
Vetlexicon is a reliable tool designed for veterinary professionals that will support you through your career. Whether you need a reference point for a specific diagnosis to help boost your confidence, or a sequence of images that refresh your knowledge with a surgical procedure, you will be able to find it on Vetlexicon.
Please see the Quickstart guide to VetLexicon here